09 May, 2007

comic book day, comic book day! 5/9

ah. so countdown begins. spidey's pissed. thunderbolts has some fighty filler... the recaps, at least of my limited purchases (yes, limited.... i'm certainly not into it as i otherwise might be...)

marvel zomibies: dead days one shot

ok, so the marvel zombies universe needed an... origin story? no. i'm not sure where this fits. it opens with what almost seems to be a continuation of what happened in the army of darkness crossover, with spidey heading home to check on mj and aunt may, only to realize he's been infected and, well, eating them. however, it then seems to lead into the ultimate fantastic 4 which then lead into the actual marvel zombies miniseries in the first place... so... kind of circular? and a lot more characters zombified than i actually remember...

high points:
-gatefold cover "parodying" (i guess being the best word) the big x-men 1 cover from the early 90's x-men series.
-actual... depth to the zombie heroes, at least at first. colonel america actually wanting to cure/stop the problem.
-reed richards of the fantastic 4 being an outright cunt. as in civil war and even as in the fantastic four 1602 miniseries... just a cunt. infecting his wife and friends, so they can become zombies and then so they can turn him, because he wants to "known what it feels like"? what. a cunt.

countdown #51 (counting backwards from 52... umm... clever...)

well, it's a start. a confusing one. where in the newly reformed multiverse are we? jason todd is the red hood, not nightwing... and... yeah.

best part, so far, the mary marvel part. finally out of her coma... well... okay, the best part is when she says SHAZAM! and it starts to rain... (i really like the teaser ad, with what has to be eclipso wearing a "what would mary marvel" do button... intriguing...). but really, to start things off with joker's daughter... and is this the "new earth" joker's daughter or another? the monitor who kills her seems to indicate that it is, but... i don't know. and apparently, darkseid plays "heroclix" (silly role playing-ish superhero game with little figurines and whatever... i've never played it so i'm not sure, but even i got that in my head after seeing the first page of the issue...)

Gen 13 #8 (why, oh why, do i keep buying this book...)

so i like gen 13. i do. and to have "the authority" show up mid issue just... well... neat (i, granted, never was a big "authority" fan. but midnighter's kind of cool... thing that struck me was the end... right before leaving them gen13 kids alone (after what was sort of a fight, but mostly just some silly teen resistance), midnighter tells them that they're not supposed to even exist, and not to destroy the multiverse, sounding suspiciously like what the monitor tells duela dent right before killing her at the end of countdown 51.... so... umm... ok, both under the "DC comics" umbrella (though the wildstorm universe is sort of separate though i guess sort of part of the multiverse.... ) ... is this a tie in? hmmm... or not. maybe they're just going to tie in this version of gen 13 with all the previous ones. or maybe wildstorm has it's own multiverse?


thunderbolts #114

so, i never liked thunderbolts pre-civil war. not really. but now that they actually have dangerous criminals - well, venom and bullseye, as well as the character formerly known as speedball (who has gone from happy go lucky kinetic powered wuss to self loathing sort of badass....) it's more interesting. but something about this seemed to be just... filler to me.

amazing spiderman #540

aunt may's probably gonna die. spidey's found the shooter. the shooter dies. spidey hunts who payrolled him. finds out it's kingpin, doing his work from prison (which the readers knew), which the whole issue leads up to... so... hmm... as far as episodic story telling, this works great. and it's nice seeing spiderman act solely on emotion and anger - the black suit really works for this as well... yeah...

new avengers #30

still hiding from the mighty avengers. hawkeye shows up. and... big reveal... he's the new ronin. which. well. i called when it first was announced there was a "new" ronin who was going to be revealed as a former major player in the marvel universe, etc. etc. etc. yep. i called it. not daredevil. not steve rogers (cos, well, dead). hawkeye. not dead. not pissed at scarlet witch anymore. now. ronin.

then it's back to japan to rescue the old ronin, who at the end seems to be under the control of elektra (who really seemed at first to be thrown in so we would think daredevil would be the new ronin, and still seems superfluous, though she does lead the Hand now...), though if the cover of #31 is any indication, um, not for long...

but yeah. hawkeye. called it.

new x-men #38

demons. check. mutants. check. belasco's back. some snarky comments about whether the x-men will come save them. and. well. demons. magik makes a brief appearance as darkchild... and... yeah. good issue. yes. but again, a whole lot of stuff prolonging the inevitable... or is it inevitable? apparently, with all the other shit coming into the x-men universe soon, do they need another returning from the dead character?

nerd, out.

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