27 May, 2007

ahh. the joys of being a geek

so comic books comic books comic books.

not this time (that post comes later with a double decker, and much more stream of consciousness comic book day X 2 post). this is for other nerdy things... i mean, i'm not just a comic book geek.

for those of you not in the know, i'm a member of the charm city craft mafia.

doing what, you ask? well, i am a part of the sleepy records/little mouse vintage team. as well, i have my own - under the little mouse vintage heading - thing called...wait for it.... "my inner geekdom." and yes, i;'ve made stuff (no pictures yet, and they're not up on the lmv site yet but soon kids, soon...). mostly i make... well... random stuff. i started out with some "girly" stuff - rainy day pins, tortoise and hare clips (get it? it's a play on words! oh so clever...), turtle rings... a necklace (i'm actually making a few more... i dunno... there's something kinda relaxing and mentally... whatever about it that i like. mostly my inspiration is annie though...

(btw. sleepy records will be DJ'inf the CCCM's "pile of craft" show on june 23rd.

but my next project is something a little more... me. i call them brain the bear and heart the bear (pictures.... eventually). intially, they are going to be polymer clay - my medium of choice - and... yeah. they may have a neighbor named bob the zombie. and, i know, it sounds kinda care bearish...

think, instead, spy vs spy, but with bears (though i don't plan as of yet to make them different colors... though that's an idea...). there will be a "rock em sock em robots" style set, as well as various individual bears. ultimately, i'd like to cast them in resin, handpaint them, and have some sort of mass produced version... but that's ages away... and face it, "one of a kind" is cooler.

and now, randomly, a recent procurement of mine from an antique store:
a pac man bank (it looks cooler with the mouth open). but, is it me, or does pac man look a bit... stoned? ok, more than a bit. those sleepy eyes, that lackadazical grin... what exactly ARE power pellets?

so what does the inner geek do now...

signs off.

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