27 February, 2008

for anyone who hasn't seen star wars... (i'm looking at you annie)

this is about as good of a plot overview as you're gonna get.

obee kenobee!

darcy, darcy, don't look so sad

so i'm not entiely sure what i think of this:

the song, as one of the commenters mentions, reminds me eerily of something gloria estefan might have done 23 years ago or so. that said, it's not BAD. i'm just not sure what to think. it still gives me the joyful goosebumps that tilly and the wall always do (them, pony up, and mates of state have that affect on me more than anyone i think), and i can't wait for a new album (the single apparently drops march 4th, so i would guess new album some time in april or may? and there does seem to be a tour on the way). the video, honestly, leaves quite a bit to be desired. yeah, it's fun, but it's just too... colorful.

it's nowhere near as fun as this:

or without zombies:

i first saw tilly and the wall opening for bright eyes (with whom they were in the wonderful but short lived park ave with in the late 90's) in... 04? i think, at the 9:30 club. and was quite taken with them. if anyone remembers the liner notes from Nirvana's "Insesticide" where kurt talks about crying with joy at Shonen Knife - that's the affect Tilly and the Wall had on me, basically, only not in broken english. (shonen knife = topic for another time).

my favorite tilly and the wall songs:


but honestly, i think i just love tilly and the wall. the new single will definitely grown on me (come to think of it, it reminds me a little of mates of state... hmmm....).

26 February, 2008

1. i'm still not seeing cloverfield.

2. this is awesome. considering how really unfunny the source material tends to be, this is actually quite hilarious. who knew? granted, when i was a youngun i really liked Garfield. a lot. looking back.... well.... what was wrong with me? (hell, i also liked reading tom clancy books... maybe i had a cerebral blockage or something?)

3. i promise more posts soon. for real.