25 June, 2009

random thursday morning thought...

what? a blog post??

it's been a while, though the number of half done entries sitting in my drafts folder might suggest i had ideas, just never finished them out.

so i'm flipping through channels and i come across the sci fi network, where i see amber tamblyn. now, i know she's been in a few sci fi type movies, so i think little of it, until i see her talking to mary steenburgen.... then the wheels turn and it clicks....

joan of arcadia? on the same network that brought us mansquito??

yes, the show has "fantasy" elements, which probably earns it placement on scifi. and this was the channel which kept showing reruns of quantum leap, another "fantasy" show which really wasn't. but... i guess it just bothers me....

and that's my thought of the morning...


ann said...

I'm sure some crazy Christians somewhere are having a cow over a show about God being on a science fiction channel.

Dave said...

that assumes people actually WATCH the sci fi network! (ouch...)