08 January, 2008

sucks to your assmer

and sucks to your regular blogging!


first, a holdover from the christmas posts that never happened.

honestly, i think everyone who has a TV and basic cable should watch the brilliant creation that is The Venture Bros. on Adult Swim (on Cartoon Network). a parody of everything from Johnny Quest to The Fantastic Four and other things like that, it's possibly one of the best cartoons on tv (what else can you call a show that has an entire portion of dialogue taken from Bowie's "Space Oddity" and "Ashes to Ashes"?)

well, apparently they recorded some christmas songs, which you can hear here.(apparently, some people can blog about christmas things more regularly than others....). according to wikipedia, there's also a "fairytale of new york" floating around, though it's not on the above linked site. the monarch/dr girlfriend take on "peace on earth/little drummer boy" is especially awesome, as it also keeps the dialogue... sort of... (best to just listen to it, as my description can't do it justice).

secondly, comics.

i haven't talked about comics, except for superman and santa teaming up, for ages. i'll probably get back that this year soon enough, but right now i just want to talk about one thing, and that's what's happened in spiderman (because apparently everyone in the comics industry is a buzz about it).

truthfully, i think keeping spiderman married would have been a good thing. and sacrificing that to let aunt may live, well, not so much. not that i hate aunt may, or have any great love for mary jane, but really? cheers to them for making mephisto a relevant force for the first time in a while, but part of me hopes they weasel their way out of it by summer (blame the skrulls? pocket universe?) i mean, to have the marriage just not exist anymore... (and how does them not being married bring harry osborne back to life?) honestly, it all feels too convenient to just be a "change in the status quo" especially since the marriage was such a change, as was the pregnancy, the clone saga , the unmasking... now none of these happened? do we just undo every storyline - good or bad - that revolved even slightly around their being married? and since it was undone by mysticism, shouldn't characters like dr strange sense it? or is everyone who deals in any way with spidey just going to have the portion of their memory lobotomized and retconned out? this isn't like "no more mutants" after all. sigh...

they claim nobody liked the marriage (comic fans seemed to be largely ambivilent, myself it never bothered me though i never felt it made for any great storylines. i never felt it aged the character or anything. and it's not like there aren't tons of married superheroes, many of which HAVE had good stories come out of their being married...). they claimed it was a huge hinderance (which just smacks of a lack of editorial creativity). honestly, i think they just wanted to do something extreme to grab headlines like they did when they killed captain america.

maybe it will last, maybe it won't. i'm leaning towards the latter (can marriage have comic book death?) but who knows...

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