12 December, 2007

day 12 . well, something is vile...

the grinch.

awesome. at least the book, and the original animated speciel. boris karloff! the guy who did the voice of tony the tiger! awesome!

the movie with jim carey?



(no, not why is it a travesty. why did they even bother? was it nescessary??)

first, why give the grinch a back story? why make his hatred of christmas and the whos a result of some childhood issues? do we live in such a touchy feely age that a grinch can't just be a grinch, with a two sizes two small heart and a nasty disposition? and isn't cindy lou who supposed to be only 2? do we need jim carey's hamming it up in bad makeup?

ugh. ron howard, i know you like money and stuff but why on earth would yo do this? it's ridiculously cynical. not to mention just really poorly done . i'm glad that the horton hears a who movie coming up is animated, so that regardless of what they do with the story, it won't have the weird, awkwardness of live action actors trying to play dr seuss characters (seriously, the animation looks much more dr seussish and even a little like the animation from the original horton animated thing, which is cool).

sadly, this is is the crap that gets shown on tv - i'm looking at you abc family - and pressed on us as a christmas classic (by the cast of kyleXY, no less!). i'm sure these kids have seen the original and are just contractually required to say how awesome the one that the family channel owns the rights to show is...


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