05 May, 2010

it's a blogapalooza

- back to the ramona books, for a second. i know her family was supposed to be relatively poor (after her dad lost his job, especially) but it always bothered me how they would talk about going out for fast food like it was going out for a gourmet meal. i do get how, to some kids, even those with money, it is. but that just always bothered me.

- henry huggins. still the bomb. paper drives and all of that. really, i love me some beverly cleary. she rarely talked about that puberty stuff that judy blume threw into everything she wrote, even stuff like Freckle Juice.

- wednesday = comics. comics = sometimes good. sometimes frustrating.

- the good. the boys. seriously. the boys, is just a great book. sometimes too dirty, but i'd expect that from anything Garth Ennis writes. his satiric take on super heroes is just... brutal. and... yeah.

- Also good: Batman and Robin #12. the reveal at the end, very unexpected. Morrison still wins.

- the frustrating. Brightest Day. after Blackest Night, i would want a really strong follow up (ie 52 following up the mostly readable Infinite Crisis). brightest day, so far, is a lot of navel gazing. more setup than necessary. it's great that these characters are back from the dead and conflicted about it. where's it going to go? (the only really good bits were the Aquaman calling dead fish part and the return of Black Manta).

- also good. but even better because it was a buck. I Zombie. mike allred's art can pretty much make me like anything. and hey, a book whose plot revolves a zombie (who has to eat the brains of the recently dead once a month to keep from becoming "totally night of the living dead") whose best friends are a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf? how can that be bad?? (seriously, check out the prequel!)

- also, they killed nightcrawler in x-men. for what? who knows. is x-men going to do that thing to me where it makes me really not want to read them for a while?? best bit: beast yelling at cyclops at nightcrawler's funeral. kind of brilliant, really.

- my blog lacks focus. just random thoughts. i hope people don't mind.

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